Frequently Asked Questions

What are types of hauntings are known?

In the paranormal world, there are six types of hauntings.
1. Residual Hauntings .. "residual hauntings," and they are by far the most common. Residual hauntings can be visual, audio, olfactory, or tactile. That is, they can be seen, heard, smelled or felt. It can also be described as the "imprint" of energy from another time. It is more like the re-playing of a tape or film, and it happens usually in the exact same way, over and over. It is thought that the energy produced by the person or people, when alive, during a time of high emotion or trauma, somehow imprints itself on its surroundings and "re-plays" over and over again, even though the original participants are long dead. Such hauntings can be dormant for long periods and then triggered by a variety of things. A new family moving into an empty house, for example, or sometimes something as ordinary as a weather pattern can act as a trigger.

2. Poltergeists: .. poltergeist activity, is considered by many not to be hauntings at all, as they do not appear to be related to any human spirit in particular. But a poltergeist event seems to be a misdirection of powerful energy, often destructive and many times channeled through a living person.

3. Intelligent Hauntings .. Also called "active" hauntings, these can be very frightening, though the entity rarely means any harm to the living. An intelligent haunting involves a spirit who is intentionally present and sometimes even attempts to communicate with the living. Sometimes the spirit is not aware that they have passed; other times, they do know but are driven to bring some message to the living. Intelligent hauntings can include the sighting of an apparition, hearing a voice, or sometimes being aware of communication without any sound from the spirit. Usually, the apparition will be seen as they were in life and wearing the clothing they would have worn,. At times these ghostly figures will appear translucent or transparent; other times, they look quite solid and real.

4. The Doppelganger .. Doppelganger means "double walker" in German and is a phenomenon that involves someone seeing an exact double of themselves, almost always even dressed in the exact same clothing as they have on. Normally it will appear only to that person, while others around them are unable to see it, and tends to signify that something traumatic or tragic is about to happen to the person who sees him or herself.

5. Demonic Hauntings .. Demons are described as evil energy from an unknown source that is unrelated to the human form. Many believe demons to be sent by the devil, but even non-believers have experienced demonic hauntings. Demons can appear as frightening-looking animals, horrific and hideous creatures, or sometimes a black smoke or fog. They seem to be able to change shape and form, sometimes right before an observer's eyes, and their task is to wreak havoc in a subject's life, at times even possessing their bodies.

6. Shadow Hauntings .. shadow haunting or shadow people. Shadow hauntings are often described as a shapeless form of dark mist, smoke, or steam, and are usually seen in the peripheral vision. People who have reported a shadow haunting say that a feeling of foreboding or dread accompanies their appearance. Shadow people are similarly dark and filmy but have no facial features or clothing, with the odd exception of a hat or hood. One type of shadow person appears with a hat similar to a fedora, and another type wears a hood. 

When should you call a paranormal team?

you should call in a team -
1. You have a child that is repeatedly being affected with stories that don't sound like usual childhood anxiety of the dark or what's under the bed, especially if the child's moods and behavior are different during waking hours.

2. Repeated patterns of phenomenon have been occurring and several people have encountered them.

3. Someone has been physically harmed or emotionally unsettled to the point of hysteria.

4. You are finding it difficult to be alone in a part of the house.

5. You don't feel safe in your own home and want to know what is going on. 

Do investigate homes and businesses?

Yes, we cover all residential and businesses:

1.  We conduct thorough investigations for homeowners experiencing paranormal activity. Our team employs state-of-the-art equipment to capture and analyze evidence, providing insight into the nature of the phenomena. Commercial Investigations:

2.  Businesses facing unexplained occurrences can rely on our discreet and professional services. We work closely with commercial establishments to ensure minimal disruption while uncovering the source of paranormal activity.

3.  Historical Site Investigations: ... Certainly! Paranormal investigations at historical sites can be both intriguing and spine-tingling. Historical sites/facilities/homes with paranormal connections to the past offer a fascinating experience to the experienced and not so experienced investigator!

What is the charge for a paranormal investigation?

we are passionate about our mission to provide clarity and understanding. All our investigations are conducted free of charge, emphasizing our commitment to assisting those in need without financial burden. Everyone deserves the opportunity to seek answers and find peace in the face of paranormal experiences. 

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